Custom Maya Shelf

Download the custom maya shelf:


  1. Download the shelf zip files and un-zip to a location on your disk
  2. In maya load the shelf by clicking the small gear icon on the left of the shelf area and select load shelf
  3. Navigate to and pick the .mel file for the shelf (shelf____aModel___.mel, shelf____aUV___.mel, etc.)
  4. The UV shelf has 2 files needed for the UV checker button which are included in the zip
  5. Right click on the checker icon in the aUV shelf and hit edit then go to the command tab and change the file path from “P:/UV Mapping Textures/UV_mtl.mb” to where you unzipped the archive
  6. Go to the shelves tab and hit save all shelves
  7. In the maya file menu open UV_mtl.mb file
  8. Open hypershade and graph the UV_mtl by using the right click menu
  9. Select the file node and change the path to where you unzipped the artefact_uvgrid_01_4K.jpg file